Believe it or not, Dachsunds are considered the top of the list for aggressive dogs. This study was performed by
Applied Animal Behavior Science. The Chihuahua was ranked second and the Jack Russell Terrier third. The Akita and Australian Cattle Dog rank fourth and fifth respectively, while the Pit Bull ranked sixth. The Beagle ranked seventh with English Springer Spaniel eighth. The Border Collie was ninth and German Shepherd came in at tenth. These results are based on a study of 6,000 dog owners. I am very surprised to see some of these dog breeds listed here but I have heard in the past that Cocker Spaniels were considered aggressive as well although they flew under the radar on this particular study. As with everything, there are many studies of this nature and can be found all over the internet. The lists differ to a certain degree with some similarities, that being Dachsunds and Chihuahuas. I am happy to note that wolfdogs and wolf dog mixes are not on any of the lists I stumbled upon but questions remain; were wolfdogs tested? and what other dog breeds were used for a comparison study? and what methods did they use to test aggressiveness? I have searched the web trying to find a decent link to what is considered "aggressive" behavior and I am baffled by the variants in this regard. Many people think it is the owner's fault and, up until recently, I truly believed in that but, a study of Cocker Spaniels show that they have something called "the rage syndrome". You can't blame that on the owner and what about dog owners that own more than one dog, Fluffy and Fifi are very nice whereas Killer is an absolute menace, where was he when the positive reinforcement was being handed out. There are also people that say there is no such thing as a bad dog, just a bad owner. Again, I have started to develop mixed feelings about this, I know really good people who have had a "bad" dog and people who could care less about their dog, chaining it in the back yard virtually ignoring it and the dog turned out to be a very sweet, lovable dog. Go figure! Since there are so many views available out there, I don't believe Dachsund and Chihuahua owners need fret over this latest study and I sincerely hope that they don't give up their weiner dog or Chi-Chi, after all, they are part of your pack.
Those little dogs are all mean & aggressive because everyone wants to carry them around all the time & they get NO exercise! HAHAHAHAHA I'm still a firm believer, though, that pets are a mirror of their owners. Does that make me goofy? ;)
You were goofy before you said that lol. No, that does not make you goofy although, come to think of it, Cubby is pretty goofy herself. SMILE.
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